
PreferenceEditor are used to edit preference in uNode.

To open PreferenceEditor go to Unity top menu bar ”Edit/Preferences/uNode”

Theme: change the graphs theme.

Preferred Editor used to choose the preferred editor to edit values.

Display Kind: change the node display ( default, partial, or full )

Inspector Integration: Allow edit the graph from Unity Inspector

In Editor Documentation: enable/disable in editor documentation.

Show Status Bar: show/hide editor status bar.

Dim Node: detect and dim the node when node is not connected or its not reachable to be called.

Show Grid: to show the grid in canvas ( need to re-open uNode Editor ).

Enable Snapping: Enable / Disable snapping feature

Graph Snapping: snap node to the graph

Node Port Snapping: snap node to the node ports

Port Snapping Range: the range to snap into the ports

Grid Snapping: snap node to the grid

Spacing Snapping: snap node with spacing

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